Articles | Volume 10, issue 1
01 Aug 1991
 | 01 Aug 1991

The generic revision of the Reussellids (Foraminiferida)

Stefan A. Revets

Abstract. The study of the apertural complex in the type species of the reussellid genera leads to a reassessment of the classification of these taxa. The genus Reussella has so many characteristics in common with Bulimina that it is reclassified in the Buliminidae. The family Trimosinidae is retained and redescribed to contain the genera Trimosina, Mimosina and Fijiella only. Pyramidina is retained in the Turrilinidae on account of the praebulimine toothplate.

The absence of an internal toothplate and the very un-bulimine apertural face in Bifarinella, Chrysalidinella, Cifellia, Finlayina, Orthocerina, Pavonina and Valvohifarina species is the main argument to remove these genera from the Buliminacea and reclassify them in the superfamily Pavoninacea herein proposed.

The genus Orthocerina d’Orbigny, 1839 is reinstated and shown to be closely related to Chrysalidinella and Cifellia.

The genus Compressigerina is reclassified in the Uvigerinidae, close to Trifarina because of the presence of an apertural neck with toothplate.
