Articles | Volume 12, issue 1
01 Aug 1993
 | 01 Aug 1993

Syracosphaera noroiticus sp. nov., and S. marginaporata sp. nov., (Syracosphaeraceae, Prymnesiophyta), new coccolithophorids from the Mediterranean Sea and North Atlantic Ocean

Michael Knappertsbusch

Abstract. During scanning electron microscope investigations of living coccolithophorids from the Mediterranean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, two hitherto undescribed species of the genus Syracosphaera Lohmann, 1902 emend. Gaarder (in Gaarder and Heimdal, 1977) were found. The first species, Syracosphaera noroiticus sp. nov., was recorded in the Gulf of Lyons (Mediterranean Sea), and the second, S. marginaporata sp. nov., was found in the eastern North Atlantic.
