Articles | Volume 13, issue 2
01 Dec 1994
 | 01 Dec 1994

A charophyte flora from the Lower Pechelbronn Formation (?Upper Eocene/?Lower Oligocene) of Malsch south of Heidelberg (SW Germany)

J. Schwarz and Th. W. Griessemer

Abstract. The Lower Pechelbronn Formation (?Upper Eocene/?Lower Oligocene) of Malsch (clay-pit ‘Am Viehweg’) yielded a moderately abundant charophyte assemblage. One new species, Chara rhenana sp. nov., is erected, two more species, Harrisichara lineata and Nitellopsis (Tectochara) cf. wonnacotti, are recorded in the Rhine Graben area for the first time. The Lower Pechelbronn Formation may be correlated to the Stephanochara vectensis zone (Riveline, 1986) and the mammalian level MP 20 (reference locality: St. Capraise; Schmidt-Kittler, 1987). The associated ostracod fauna clearly indicates a limnic depositional environment.
