Articles | Volume 14, issue 1
01 Apr 1995
 | 01 Apr 1995

New species of unilocular calcareous foraminifera from the Holocene of the southwest Pacific Ocean

Fred E. Clark

Abstract. Four new species of unilocular calcareous foraminifera are described from Holocene sediments of the southwest Pacific Ocean. Vasicostella cranimorpha sp. nov. is distinguished by a lenticular tubule that pierces each margin of the peripheral carina. Globofissurella pattersoni sp. nov. is characterized by a large, produced circular apertural area ornamented in part by costae continuing from the chamber surface. Palliolatella peponisema sp. nov. bears a strong resemblance to a pumpkin seed, and has quite variable development of its central keel. Parafissurina thryptica sp. nov. is distinctly teardrop-shaped, with its greatest diameter near the base, and a mildly acute apertural end.
