Articles | Volume 14, issue 2
01 Oct 1995
 | 01 Oct 1995

Cytogenetic studies on marine myodocopid Ostracoda: the karyotypes of some species of halocyprids

Alicia Moguilevsky

Abstract. Nineteen species of halocyprid ostracods were dissected and analysed for karyotype studies. Results were obtained for only six species, 5 belonging to Conchoecia and 1 to Halocypris. The uniformity in the chromosome morphology of these species (metacentric/submetacentric) is similar to that found for the cypridinids. The size range of their chromosomes falls within the lower end of the studied cypridinid species. The chromosome counts, in some preparations, were somewhat impaired by uncertain cell boundaries and widely scattered chromosomes. In these cases, the morphology of the identifiable chromosomes and their size ranges were noted and wherever possible a provisional karyotype was suggested.
