Articles | Volume 18, issue 1
01 Jun 1999
 | 01 Jun 1999

Taxonomy and ecology of the Family Cytheruridae (Ostracoda) in Recent sediments from the northern Rio de Janeiro coast, Brazil

Maria Ines Feijo Ramos, Joao Carlos Coimbra, Robin C. Whatley, and Alicia Moguilevsky

Abstract. A study of the family Cytheruridae in Recent sediments from the coast of northern Rio de Janeiro State revealed the presence of four new species: (Hemicytherura auriculata, Oculocytheropteron delicatum, Oculocytheropteron circumcostatum and Semicytherura caudata,) and four previously described species (Semicytherura rugosoreticulata Whatley, Chadwick, Coxill & Toy, 1988, Oculocytheropteron macropunctatum Whatley, Chadwick, Coxill & Toy, 1988, Oculocytheropteron reticulopunctatum Whatley, Chadwick, Coxill & Toy, 1988 and Paracytheridea bulbosa Purper & Ornellas, 1989). A further two species Cytheropteron sp. and Kangarina sp. are left in open nomenclature due to paucity of the material. The ecology and distribution of the fauna suggest that the presence of many of these species, which also occur in colder waters off the coast of Uruguay and Argentina, is probably due to the upwelling of the South Atlantic Central Water in this area.
