Articles | Volume 20, issue 2
01 Dec 2001
 | 01 Dec 2001

A new species of microforaminifera (Gavelinopsis caledonia) from the continental shelf, west of Scotland

John W. Murray and John E. Whittaker

Abstract. Gavelinopsis caledonia. sp. nov. is a distinctive, tiny (<160 μm in greatest diameter) foraminifer which has the compressed trochospiral, low planoconvex shape commonly associated with an attached or clinging mode of life. It is described from modern sediments on the continental shelf to the west of Scotland. Previously, it had been recorded from Recent sediments off Ireland and in the North Sea, and from the Quaternary of Northern Ireland, but under the name of the Cretaceous taxon, Rotalina (or Discorbina) polyrraphes of Reuss.
