Articles | Volume 8, issue 1
01 Jun 1989
 | 01 Jun 1989

Samples taken off Jamestown, Saint Helena Island (South Atlantic Ocean)

Georges Kouyoumontzakis

Abstract. Three dredgings samples taken off the coast of Saint Helena, reveal two micropalaeontological associations. One is an infralittoral association, characterized by Miliolina (essentially Quinqueloculina), and by Rotaliina with various species of Amphistegina. The other is a circalittoral association, in which the following changes in family distribution may be observed: a decrease in Miliolina and others littoral species, and an increase in Discorbidae, Eponididae, Cibicididae, and Anomalinidae which indicate an increase in sea depth. The presence of relict Amphisteginidae might point to a Holocene stillstand of the transgressive sea.
