Articles | Volume 8, issue 2
01 Dec 1989
 | 01 Dec 1989

The Foraminiferal assemblages across three middle Turonian marl bands and a note on their genesis

P. N. Leary and D. S. Wray

Abstract. the changes in the Foraminiferal assemblage across three Middle Turonian marl bands show a consistent pattern, with (a) very similar gross assemblage characteristics from the white chalk below and above the marls containing an approximately 60:40% planktonic:benthonic ratio, greater than 50% non-keeled morphotypes (within the planktonic assemblage) and with infaunal and epifaunal groups well represented but (b) from within the marls the assemblage is dominated by benthonics (30:70% p:b ratio), less than 20% non-keeled morphotypes (within the planktonic assemblage) and a benthonic assemblage dominated by the infaunal groups. Although there is evidence of some dissolution within the marls, with the pitting of the thinner test walls, we propose the changes in the assemblage are not due to large scale post mortem diagenetic process. But are most likely due to environmental changes within the chalk sea, possibly caused by the ephemeral introduction into the surface waters of volcanic ash.
