Articles | Volume 8, issue 1
01 Jun 1989
 | 01 Jun 1989

Morozovella protocarina: a new species of Palaeocene planktonic Foraminiferida

R. M. Corfield

Abstract. Detailed study of the Palaeocene Morozovella lineage of Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 577 (Shatsky Rise, North Pacific) and 527 (Walvis Ridge, South Atlantic) have revealed a distinct morphological stage transitional between M. angulata (White) and M. velascoensis (Cushman & Ponten). This stage is characterised by the development of the first peripheral pseudo-keel of the Cenozoic Globigerinidae and is named Morozovella protocarina. The biostratigraphic application of this species clarifies problems of recognising the Late Palaeocene planktonic foraminiferal zones.
