Articles | Volume 9, issue 2
01 Mar 1991
 | 01 Mar 1991

Permocalculus iagifuensis sp. nov.: A new Miocene gymnocodiacean alga from Papua New Guinea

M. D. Simmons and M. J. Johnston

Abstract. Permocalculus iagifuensis, a new species of gymnocodiacean alga is described from the Miocene of the Darai Limestone Formation of Papua New Guinea. The discovery of this species greatly extends the range of gymnocodiacean algae, which previously had only been confidently recorded from the Permian and Cretaceous. It also suggests an evolutionary link to the Recent genus Galaxaura (order Nemalionales; family Chaetangiaceae), which is the only extant alga bearing a similarity to the Gymnocodiaceae. Alternatively, a closer relationship to the green udoteacean algae (e.g. Halimeda) is considered. The microfauna and other microflora associated with this new species are briefly described.
