Articles | Volume 12, issue 1
01 Aug 1993
 | 01 Aug 1993

David Ure and the first illustrations of British fossil Ostracoda

Michael C. Keen

Cited articles

J. H., Burns: David Ure (1749–1798) ‘Breadth of Mind and Accuracy of Observation’, Glasg. Nat, 22, 259-275, 1993.
T. R., Jones and J. W., Kirkby: On the Entomastraca of the Carboniferous rocks of Scotland, Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, 2, 213-228, 1867a.
H. J., Oertli: Early Research on Ostracoda and the French contributionIn (Eds), Fossil and Recent Ostracods, Ellis Horwood, Chichester, 454–478., 1982.
D., Ure: The History of Rutherglen and East-Kilbride, published with a view to promote the study of antiquity and natural history, David Niven, Glasgow, 334p., 1793.