Articles | Volume 20, issue 1
01 Jul 2001
 | 01 Jul 2001

A Lower Cretaceous nannofossil zonation for the North Sea Basin

Jason Jeremiah

Abstract. Analysis of cored sections from the Central North Sea Basin, boreholes from the onshore Netherlands and onshore sections from the UK and Germany has enabled a major reappraisal of Lower Cretaceous nannofossil datums. The Lower Albian to Upper Barremian interval has, in particular, been comprehensively amended. Five new species, Crucibiscutum bosunensis sp. nov., Crucibiscutum ryazanicum sp. nov., Lithraphidites houghtonii sp. nov., Seribiscutum dentatum sp. nov., Staurolithites palmula sp. nov. and one new sub-species, Biscutum constans cavum ssp. nov. are described.
