Articles | Volume 29, issue 2
01 Dec 2010
 | 01 Dec 2010

The 2009 recipient of the Brady Medal: Dr Thomas M. Cronin

David J. Horne and Alan Lord

Cited articles

T. M., Cronin: An Arctic foraminiferal fauna from Champlain Sea deposits in Ontario, Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 13, 1678-1682, 1976.
T. M., Cronin: bA preliminary report on the paleoecology of the southern part of the Champlain Sea as indicated by the benthonic foraminifera: In: Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Benthonic Foraminifera of Continental MarginsMaritime Sediments, Special Publication No1, B, 379–384., 1976.
T. M., Cronin: Late-Wisconsin Marine Environments of the Champlain Valley (New York, Quebec), Quaternary Research, 7, 238-253, 1977.
T. M., Cronin: Champlain Sea Foraminifera and Ostracoda: a systematic and paleoecological synthesis, Geographie Physique et Quaternaire, 31, 107-122, 1977.
T. M., Cronin: Foraminifer and ostracode species diversity in the Pleistocene Champlain Sea of the St. Lawrence Lowlands, Journal of Paleontology, 53, 233-244, 1979.