Articles | Volume 3, issue 1
01 Mar 1984
 | 01 Mar 1984

A note on the Early Cretaceous biostratigraphy (foraminifera) of borehole 49/24-1 (Shell/Esso) in the southern North Sea

S. Crittenden

Cited articles

H., Bartenstein: Taxionomische Revision und Nomenklator zu Franz EHecht – Standard Gliederung der Nordwestdeutschen Unter- Kreide nach Foraminifera – 1938Teil 4, AlbianSenckenbergleth., Frankfurt, 46, 4–6, 327–366., 1965.
H., Bartenstein: Foraminiferal zonation of the Lower Cretaceous in north-west Germany and Trinidad, West Indies–an attempt, Neues Jb. Geol. Palaont. Mh, Stuttgart, 3, 187-191, 1976a.
H., Bartenstein: Practical applicability of a zonation with benthonic foraminifera in the worldwide Lower Cretaceous, Geol. Mijnbouw, 54, 83-86, 1976b.
H., Bartenstein: Benthonic index Foraminifera in the Lower Cretaceous of the northern hemisphere between East Canada and north-west GermanyErdol uKohle, Erdgas, Petrochemie, 29/6, 254–256., 1976c.
H., Bartenstein: Stratigraphic parallelisation of The Lower Cretaceous in the Northern hemisphere. Zonation with benthonic index foraminifera, Newsl. Stratigr., Stuttgart, 6, 30-41, 1977.