Articles | Volume 34, issue 1
01 Jan 2015
 | 01 Jan 2015

Effect of diagenetic recrystallization on the strength of planktonic foraminifer tests under compression

Paul N. Pearson, Sam L. Evans, and James Evans

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Biogeosciences, 22, 1095–1113,,, 2025
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Upper Oligocene to Pleistocene planktonic foraminifera stratigraphy at North Atlantic DSDP Site 407, Reykjanes Ridge: diversity trends and biozonation using modern Neogene taxonomic concepts
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Biochronology and evolution of Pulleniatina (planktonic foraminifera)
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J. Micropalaeontol., 42, 211–255,,, 2023
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Globigerinoides rublobatus – a new species of Pleistocene planktonic foraminifera
Marcin Latas, Paul N. Pearson, Christopher R. Poole, Alessio Fabbrini, and Bridget S. Wade
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Spine-like structures in Paleogene muricate planktonic foraminifera
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Cited articles

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