Articles | Volume 36, issue 1
24 Jan 2017
 | 24 Jan 2017

Trace-element and stable-isotope composition of the Cyprideis torosa (Crustacea, Ostracoda) shell

Jonathan A. Holmes and Patrick De Deckker

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J. Micropalaeontol., 43, 81–91,,, 2024
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Taxonomy and palaeoecology of Ostracoda from the Middle to Late Pleistocene upper Karewa formation of Kashmir Valley, Northern India
Michael Kramer and Jonathan Holmes
J. Micropalaeontol., 28, 25–36,,, 2009

Cited articles

P., Anadón and R., Julià: Hydrochemistry from Sr and Mg contents of ostracodes in Pleistocene lacustrine deposits, Baza Basin (SE Spain), Hydrobiologia, 197, 291-303, 1990.
P., Anadón, R., Julià, P., De Deckker, J. C., Rosso and I., Soulié-Marsche: Contribución a la paleolimnologia del Pleistoceno inferior de la cuenca da Baza (Sector Orce-Venta Micena), Paleontologia I Evolució. Memoria Especial, 1, 35-72, 1987.
P., Anadón, R., Utrilla and R., Julià: Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of a Pleistocene lacustrine sequence from faunal assemblages and ostracode shell geochemistry, Baza Basin, SE Spain, Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 111, 191-205, 1994.
P., Anadón, E., Gliozzi and I., Mazzini: aPalaeoenvironmental reconstruction of marginal marine environments from combined palaeoecological and geochemical analyses on ostracodsIn: & (eds) The Ostracoda: Applications in Quaternary ResearchAmerican Geophysical Union, Geophysical Monograph, 131, 227–247., 2002.
P., Anadón, P., Ghetti and E., Gliozzi: Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca ratios and Sr and stable isotopes of biogenic carbonates from the Late Miocene Velona Basin (central Apennines, Italy) provide evidence of unusual non-marine Messinian conditions, Chemical Geology, 187, 213-230, 2002.