Articles | Volume 42, issue 2
Research article
18 Aug 2023
Research article |  | 18 Aug 2023

Artifacts resembling Ediacaran or Cambrian fossils: how to identify them and avoid their generation

Thiago F. Toniolo, Juliana M. Leme, Dermeval A. Carmo, Thomas R. Fairchild, Luana Morais, and Ricardo I. F. Trindade

Data sets

Raman spectra and SEM EDX analyses of artifacts resembling Ediacaran/Cambrian fossils Thiago F. Toniolo

Short summary
The early fossils of animals with an exoskeleton witness a key episode in the evolution of life. These fossils, such as the cloudinids, have tubular shapes and an uncertain affinity. The reaction between H2O2 and pyrite can lead to the generation of objects very similar to these fossils. For this reason, the method of rock preparation is a cause for concern. Besides discussing methodology, this work provides criteria to distinguish artifacts from fossils based on their composition and structure.