Articles | Volume 43, issue 1
Research article
01 Jul 2024
Research article |  | 01 Jul 2024

Return to the Ross Ice Shelf Project (RISP), Site J-9 (1977–1979): perspectives of West Antarctic Ice Sheet history from Miocene and Holocene benthic foraminifera

Serena N. Dameron, R. Mark Leckie, David Harwood, Reed Scherer, and Peter-Noel Webb

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Cited articles

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Short summary
In 1977-79, the Ross Ice Shelf Project recovered ocean sediments ~ 450 km south of the present-day ice shelf calving front. Within these sediments are microfossils, which are used to recreate the history of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) and address how the ice sheet responded to past times of extreme warmth. The microfossils reveal the WAIS collapsed multiple times in the past 17 million years. These results inform predictions of future WAIS response to rising global temperatures.