Articles | Volume 43, issue 1
Research article
15 May 2024
Research article |  | 15 May 2024

The response of ostracod faunal assemblages to hydrology, lake level, and carbon cycling in a Jamaican marl lake: a palaeolimnological investigation

Hannah Greenway, Jonathan Holmes, and Michael Burn

Data sets

Ostracod assemblage data from Wallywash Great Pond, Jamaica University College London

Stable isotope and sedimentological data from Wallywash Great Pond, Jamaica University College London

Short summary
We studied ostracod assemblages from an 1800-year sediment record from a Jamaican lake to evaluate causes of change and to test a previous interpretation from a Late Pleistocene record, which suggested that lake-level change was the main control. We found that, rather than being a simple response to changing lake level, ostracod assemblage changes are a complex response to a range of factors. Our findings may have relevance to the interpretation of ostracod assemblages in other similar lakes.