Articles | Volume 35, issue 2
03 Jul 2016
 | 03 Jul 2016

Upper Cretaceous radiolarians reworked in the Eocene London Clay Formation, SE England

Tom Fer, Taniel Danelian, and Haydon W. Bailey

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Veronica Carlsson, Taniel Danelian, Pierre Boulet, Philippe Devienne, Aurelien Laforge, and Johan Renaudie
J. Micropalaeontol., 41, 165–182,,, 2022
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Astronomical calibration of late middle Eocene radiolarian bioevents from ODP Site 1260 (equatorial Atlantic, Leg 207) and refinement of the global tropical radiolarian biozonation
Mathias Meunier and Taniel Danelian
J. Micropalaeontol., 41, 1–27,,, 2022
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On the Lower Cambrian biotic and geochemical record of the Hetang Formation (Yangtze Platform, south China): evidence for biogenic silica and possible presence of Radiolaria
Lei Zhang, Taniel Danelian, Qinglai Feng, Thomas Servais, Nicolas Tribovillard, and Martial Caridroit
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Cited articles

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M., Bak: Cretaceous Radiolaria from Niedzica Succession of the Pieniny Klippen Belt in Polish Carpathians, Acta Paleontologica Polonica, 41, 91-101, 1996.
M., Bak and Z., Sawlowicz: Pyritised radiolarians from the mid-Cretaceous deposits of the Pieniny Klippen Belt: A model of pyritization in an anoxic environment, Geologica Carpathica, 51, 91-99, 2000.
F. T., Barr: Upper Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera from the Isle of Wight, England, Palaeontology, 4, 552-580, 1962.
L. G., Bragina: Cenomanian–Turonian Radiolarians of Northern Turkey and the Crimean Mountains, Paleontological Journal, 38, S323-S456, 2004.