Articles | Volume 37, issue 1
Research article
23 Jan 2018
Research article |  | 23 Jan 2018

Two new bairdiid ostracod species from the early Barremian–Hauterivian of the northern and central North Sea to the Atlantic margin off Norway

Michael Ayress and Tom Gould


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Short summary
Two new ostracod crustaceans are described from fossil shells found in muddy sediments deposited in deep water during Lower Cretaceous. These mud sediments are known as the Valhall and Åsgard formations and are found in the northern and central North Sea and Atlantic margin off Norway. The new species are named Pontocyprella valhalla and Bairdia asgarda after the formation names. The microfossil research was conducted to bring to light new finds of an otherwise overlooked group of fossils.