Articles | Volume 42, issue 2
Research article
22 Sep 2023
Research article |  | 22 Sep 2023

Agglutinated foraminifera from the Turonian–Coniacian boundary interval in Europe – paleoenvironmental remarks and stratigraphy

Richard M. Besen, Kathleen Schindler, Andrew S. Gale, and Ulrich Struck


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Short summary
Turonian–Coniacian agglutinated foraminiferal assemblages from calcareous deposits from the temperate European shelf realm were studied. Acmes of agglutinated foraminifera correlate between different sections and can be used for paleoenvironmental analysis expressing inter-regional changes. Agglutinated foraminiferal morphogroups display a gradual shift from Turonian oligotrophic environments towards more mesotrophic conditions in the latest Turonian and Coniacian.