Articles | Volume 42, issue 2
Research article
13 Sep 2023
Research article |  | 13 Sep 2023

Paleoenvironmental changes related to the variations of the sea-ice cover during the Late Holocene in an Antarctic fjord (Edisto Inlet, Ross Sea) inferred by foraminiferal association

Giacomo Galli, Caterina Morigi, Romana Melis, Alessio Di Roberto, Tommaso Tesi, Fiorenza Torricella, Leonardo Langone, Patrizia Giordano, Ester Colizza, Lucilla Capotondi, Andrea Gallerani, and Karen Gariboldi


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Short summary
A sediment core was analysed, focusing over the 2000 years, in Edisto Inlet. Benthic and planktic foraminifera were picked and used to determine changes in the faunal composition. Using other nearby cores, by comparing different proxies, we were able to identify a succession of three different environmental phases over the studied period: a seasonal-cycle phase (from 2000 to around 1500 years BP), a transitional phase (from 1500 to 700 years BP) and a cold phase (from 700 years to present).