Articles | Volume 43, issue 2
Research article
12 Sep 2024
Research article |  | 12 Sep 2024

Late Pliocene to recent depositional processes on the Sabrina Coast (East Antarctica): the diatom contribution

Raffaella Tolotti, Amy Leventer, Federica Donda, Leanne Armand, Taryn Noble, Phil O'Brien, Xiang Zhao, David Heslop, Alix Post, Roberto Romeo, Andrea Caburlotto, Diego Cotterle, and Nicola Corradi

Data sets

RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_V01 End of Voyage (EOV) Archive CSIRO et al.

Diatom data from voyage 1 of the Investigator, 2017 – PC03 analysis R. Tolotti and A. Leventer

Quantitative Diatom data collected from the 2017 RV Investigator voyage, IN2017_V01 A. Leventer

Short summary
New tephra layer and microsiliceous assemblages are identified. Sediment records are contextualized for the Sabrina Coast continental rise chronological and paleoclimatic context. Some in-depth studies on margin instabilities, tephrochronology, and biostratigraphic/paleoenvironmental and sedimentary evolution are suggested. We performed this study to implement knowledge on the Antarctic biochronostratigraphy and microsiliceous sedimentation and benefited from international-level collaboration.