Articles | Volume 43, issue 2
Research article
12 Sep 2024
Research article |  | 12 Sep 2024

Late Pliocene to recent depositional processes on the Sabrina Coast (East Antarctica): the diatom contribution

Raffaella Tolotti, Amy Leventer, Federica Donda, Leanne Armand, Taryn Noble, Phil O'Brien, Xiang Zhao, David Heslop, Alix Post, Roberto Romeo, Andrea Caburlotto, Diego Cotterle, and Nicola Corradi

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New tephra layer and microsiliceous assemblages are identified. Sediment records are contextualized for the Sabrina Coast continental rise chronological and paleoclimatic context. Some in-depth studies on margin instabilities, tephrochronology, and biostratigraphic/paleoenvironmental and sedimentary evolution are suggested. We performed this study to implement knowledge on the Antarctic biochronostratigraphy and microsiliceous sedimentation and benefited from international-level collaboration.