Articles | Volume 43, issue 1
Research article
03 May 2024
Research article |  | 03 May 2024

Progress in the taxonomy of Late Cretaceous high-latitude radiolarians: insights from the Horton River area, Northwest Territories, Canada

Juan F. Diaz, Noritoshi Suzuki, Jennifer M. Galloway, and Manuel Bringué

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Cited articles

Amon, E. O.: Upper Cretaceous radiolarians of the Urals, in: Materialy Po Stratigrafii i Paleontologii Urala (Materials on Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Urals), Inst. Geol. Geokhim. Ural. Otd. Ross. Akad. Nauk. Vyp., Ekaterinburg, 5, 209 pp., 2000. 
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Bergquist, H. R.: Micropaleontology of the Mesozoic rocks of northern Alaska, Geological Survey, Professional Paper 302-D, 1–227, 1966. 
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Short summary
In this study, we describe one new genus and three new species of radiolarians from Upper Cretaceous strata of the northern mainland coast of Arctic Canada. This is one of the few Cretaceous radiolarian assemblages recovered from the interior of North America and high northern latitudes and serves as a foundation for future Cretaceous radiolarian research in Arctic regions. Taxonomic descriptions were based on external and internal features observed using a scanning electron microscope.